Friday, November 29, 2013

Time For Another (Hopefully) Wonderful List!

As you might know, my most favorite band of all-time is Linkin Park. I can relate to pretty much all their songs. So I decided that I would make a list of some of my very favorite songs by them.
"The Little Things Give You Away". Man, I can't even begin to describe how much I love this song. It's one of the lesser known songs, but I honestly think it's one of their best. The lyrics are really deep, and Chester's singing is so amazing. I've listened to this song countless times, but I'm still a bit unsure as to what the lyrics really mean. Here's how I kind of perceive it. As you and another person grow apart, you start to see the little things about them that have changed, or that have surfaced since you have begun to drift apart. That's just how I see it. I'm sure people take it different ways. But seriously, give this one a listen.
"Powerless". If you're feeling depressed, I would highly recommend that you listen to this song. This song cuts right into your heart. To me, this song talks about how even though you try to change someone or to forget about them, you're still powerless compared to them. They have a hold on you that you just can't shake, and there's nothing you can do about it. If I'm upset and I listen to this song, I start to cry. But that just shows how deep this song is.
"New Divide". You may recall hearing this song in the credits of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I feel like the message of this song is that you're asking the person you care about to give you a sign or a reason to not give up on them, and to cross this "new divide" together with that person. I would suggest that you check out the music video to this song. There's a reason that it has over 100 million views!
"What I've Done". I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you've probably heard this song before. It is one of their most popular songs! It's upbeat and really catchy. I mean, how can you not like this song??
"In The End". You've probably also heard this one. It amazes me that this song is fairly old, but it still lives on. I think that almost anyone can relate to this song. I mean, just take this line for example. "I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter." Haven't we all been in situations like that before? Lord knows I have!
"Iridescent". If you're ever feeling down and need something to boost your spirit, listen to this amazing song. The message of this song is to let go of your sadness and desperation, and to let yourself be happy. Everything will work out in the end. (No pun intended. Ok, well maybe a little bit)
"A Light That Never Comes". Ok, this one might get me some hate. But I seriously love this song! A lot of people dislike this song because it has dubstep in it. But here's the thing I love about Linkin Park: they experiment with different types of music, but make it amazing (in my opinion) This song always puts me in a good mood and makes me want to dance, even though I'm a horrible dancer...
"Waiting For The End" This song holds a very special place in my heart. I made my first ever music video to this song, and I think it helped spark my love for film-making. To me, this song says that you just need to keep your head up and wait for the end of whatever is going wrong to come. Because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. :)
"Numb". I don't see how you could possibly dislike this song either. This is another one of those songs that I think almost anyone can relate to at one moment or another in their life. Haven't you ever just became numb to something or someone, and you can't seem to get a feel for anything anymore?
"One Step Closer". I love listening to this song when I'm mad. It's one of those songs that makes you want to go outside and flip over trash cans and be rebellious. Sometimes I wish I could sing this song to a person that I'm mad at haha.
"Crawling". Here's another rage mode/depressed mood song. Do you have those mental wounds that you feel like just won't heal? Well, Linkin Park knows how to perfectly describe your situation and your feelings.
"Lies Greed Misery". I want to see you choke on your lies, swallow your greed, suffer all alone in your misery! I wish I had the guts to say that to people who lie to me. But I guess listening to this song suffices. At first I was a bit unsure about this song, but now it's one of my favorites. I can't really explain what draws me to this song, I just really like it.
"Valentine's Day". This song is beautiful and amazing, but I can only listen to it when I'm already feeling upset. It talks about the sadness and pain of being alone on Valentine's Day, with no one there to spend time with you. =(
"Shadow of the Day". Here's another one that makes the tears flow (at least for me). This one just always seems to awaken painful memories inside of me. But nonetheless, this song is amazing. Definitely listen to it.
"Roads Untraveled". Wow, I'm putting a lot of sad songs on this list. But they're the ones that I can relate to the most. Anyways, I really have no idea what this song means. I think the meaning is to let go and stop living in the past, but that's just my guess. The vocals in this song always seems to bring tears to my eyes. That's how much this song gets to me (in a good way).
"Burn It Down". I decided to conclude this list with a more upbeat, happy song. I'm sure that you've heard this one. This song makes me want to dance and catch stuff on fire. Hmm.. Perhaps I could do that in a music video... ;)

Well, there's another list. I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I know that there are sooooo many more Linkin Park songs that deserve a spot on this list, but it would seriously take me all night to make that hahaha. I know you may not be a Linkin Park fan, but hey, I can't please everyone. I'll leave links to the songs at the bottom of this post in case you want to check any of them out. Thanks for reading! :)

The Little Things Give You Away:
New Divide:
What I've Done:
In The End:
A Light That Never Comes:
Waiting For The End:
One Step Closer:
Lies Greed Misery:
Valentine's Day:
Shadow of the Day:
Roads Untraveled:
Burn It Down:

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