Saturday, November 23, 2013

Let's Talk Decepticons Today

Hey everyone! It's a wonderful Saturday afternoon, and I finally got around to posting again! So I thought that I'd discuss Decepticons. I love the Autobots, but I also love the Decepticons. I think it only makes sense if you're a Transformers fan though. Both sides have things that I like. I guess that's a way to explain it haha.
Anyways, I thought that I'd start off with my favorite Decepticon: Soundwave (pictured above). Man, Soundwave is so cool, I don't even know where to begin! Well let's see, he's in charge of communications and whatnot. He has a really robotic, monotonous voice, which I think makes him really BA. I recently learned that he can even read minds! He somehow scans and decodes electrical impulses that form thoughts. He's truly loyal to Megatron, and he'll do whatever it takes to prove himself. Soundwave also has some sidekicks. He can pop them out of his chest (that sounds weird, but it's actually pretty cool). I could go on and on about Soundwave, but there's other Decpeticons to get to.
Ahh yes, good old Megatron. There's many reasons that he's cool. He's pretty much psycho because he's so power hungry. He'll do anything to get what he wants. He's the leader of the Decepticons (obviously). What I find cool about Megatron is that even though he's the bad guy and all, he never backs down. Well, almost never. Sometimes he's a big coward. But he's just one of those bad guys that you just can't hate, no matter how hard you try!
Starscream. Honestly, he's probably one of the dumbest Decepticons. But he's funny, and I think that's what makes me like him. He always comes up with dumb plans and says stupid things. He's Megatron's right hand man, but the funny thing is, he'd betray Megatron in a second if it meant more power for himself. I seriously don't get why Megatron hasn't killed Starscream yet. But I mean I guess it makes sense- people would not be happy if they got rid of Starscream forever.
Ravage is a jaguar-like Decepticon that is one of Soundwave's minions, so to speak. I find Ravage cool because he's more like an animal than a robot in appearance (uhh, kind of). I'm not really sure what draws me to this robot, I guess it's just because I find him so cool.

Well, that's all the time I have right now. I'm sure that most of these Decepticons were pretty obvious picks, but hey, they're my favorites. Maybe in the future, I'll do more of these. I should really do an Autobot version of this as well. Boy, that'll be a long list!! Anyways, thanks for reading! Check back for a Creepypasta tonight! :)

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