Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 Day Weekend!

I'm in a pretty good mood today! Man, this week was tough. I've been so sick since last Sunday. But I'm finally feeling better! One of the main reasons why I'm in a good mood is because I feel like I finally have my vibe back. Every since my ex broke up with me earlier this year, I just didn't find the joy that I used to have to make videos. I would still make them, but I didn't really have as much fun as I normally would. That really put a damper on my spirit. But with the Halloween Special that we made, I feel like it reignited the spark I used to have. I had the time of my life making the video. I enjoyed writing it, acting it, and even editing it. And I got a lot of positive comments from friends and family that watched it, which made me feel great. My Mom even said that she thinks it's one of the best videos we've made so far.
I still feel depressed sometimes, but it's not half as bad as it was this summer. Now I just have the outlook that whatever happens happens. I can't control everything that happens, nor can I control other people. So I'm just going to be Bridget Bradbury, the girl that believes in aliens and dreams of being a famous movie director. Everything will happen the way it's supposed to. :)
Wow, I kind of feel like a motivational speaker haha. Oh! I just remembered something! I read an article online that said that in Transformers 4, Optimus Prime is going to die. Now, I know that this article could be fake, which I really hope it is! If they kill off Optimus in Transformers 4, there will be so many unhappy people. I'll probably cry! Optimus Prime is just so kind and inspirational, and pretty much everyone loves him. Why they would want to kill him (again) makes no sense to me. But if he does indeed die, they better resurrect him before the movie's over. Gahh, this just makes me mad. I will be sorely disappointed if I go see this movie next summer and Optimus Prime is killed for good. I might not be able to go on with my life if that happens. I'll have to move to the mountains, become a recluse and grow a beard. That's how depressed I'll be.

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