Saturday, August 10, 2013

Swimming and Superheroes!

Hey everyone! Today, I'm going swimming with my sister Jessica and a couple of our friends. We live in a small town, so there's not really any big lakes or beaches to go to. But there is a sort-of beach about 30 minutes away from my house. It's the closest thing we can really get to a beach here haha. It's basically more of a long strip of sand along a lake. Oh well, at least there's sand and water!
I'm hoping that maybe after we get back, we can make a new video! I was going through my script notebook the other day, and I found of ton of scripts that I've written but never brought to life! One that I really want to do is called "Not So-Superheroes". I think it's pretty self explanatory. It's going to be a short video, but we might do more episodes if people like it enough. So check out our channel soon to check for new videos!
I think that's all for now! I finally broke through that writer's block that I've been having, so now I always want to write! Well, see you later! As always, thank you for reading! =)

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