Saturday, August 3, 2013

I Hate Bugs....

So a few minutes ago, I was just minding my own business, playing the piano, when suddenly I heard a knocking against my window. I got all excited because I thought maybe it was a cute boy throwing rocks at my window to get my attention. (You know, like in the movies!) So I push my window up as fast as I can, and instead of seeing an attractive boy in my yard, a huge locust decides to fly into my room! Locusts make the freakiest noises when they fly, and I screamed at the top of my lungs and dashed out of my room. I was finally able to get the disgusting locust into a container, and just threw the whole container outside. I was afraid if I tried to get the container back, the locust would attack me or fly in my hair or something. I guess next time I'll be more careful before opening my window to an imaginary boy!

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