Friday, August 9, 2013

Don't Read The Book!

Last night, I went to my friend's 17th birthday party. After eating out for dinner, all 14 of us settled down in her living room and watched The Evil Dead (the new 2013 movie). If I was asked to describe this movie, I would say "Well, this movie is definitely disturbing. There's lots of blood and cursing. If you enjoy gore, this movie is for you!"
But yeah, this is probably one of the most disturbing movies I have ever watched. Normally, I don't get very scared by horror movies. But this one had me freaked out to drive home last night. I was scared one of the creepy demon girls was going to pop up in front of my car while I was driving!
Apparently, critics liked this movie more than the viewers. I could be wrong, it's been a while since I've read the reviews. I've never seen the original Evil Dead, but a lot of people liked it. I was surprised to see that Sam Raimi had directed it (he's the director of The Amazing Spider Man!) I guess that the original movie had lots of blood and disturbing moments, but also humor, which the viewers enjoyed. I don't know if I'll ever watch the original. I have to get over this movie first! I mean if you ever even saw the commercials for this movie, you could tell that it was going to be freaky in one way or another. That girl peeking out from under the trap door: FREAKYY!
So, if you want to be grossed out, I would highly recommend this movie. One of my friends said something so true about the movie. She said that the whole time, you would me hitting your head, asking yourself why these people were doing all these stupid things. And she was right! The people in the movies never listen to you when you tell them NOT to go into the cellar, or the dark bathroom.
Well, that's my story for today. I really want to make a music video today. I'm feeling a bit sick, so I don't know if it'll happen or not. Oh well. Once again, thanks for reading!! :)

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