Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Is Slenderman So Popular?

Many people know who Slenderman is. I've talked about him quite a bit on this blog. But I've been thinking: What makes Slendy so popular and has created a large fangirl following?
Slenderman is a tall, white, faceless figure that stalks people and most likely kills them. He has tentacle things that can come out of his back to scare the pants off of people, if his appearance doesn't do that already. He's been seen in pictures that involve children, usually stalking in the background.
Now, these pictures have been proven to be fake. Slender Man originated from a Something Awful forum (if my memory serves me right). So he is 100% made up. .......Or is he? There is actually some very compelling evidence that people have at least seen something LIKE Slendy. I remember reading somewhere about how people in the 1600s saw a tall, white man that scared the dickens out of them. But hey, that could be made up too. Who knows? So, why are girls drooling over Slender Man? I mean, he's scary! And he doesn't even have a face! Well, take a look at this picture.
First off, I want to say that I really like this picture and I don't intend to condemn it in any way. I'm just using this as an example of what pop culture has done to Slender. They've given him a sweet side. Instead of being a totally menacing, scary monster that wants to kill you, he's starting to become more of a misunderstood, mysterious shy guy. I don't really see anything wrong with this, but the reason I fell in love with Slenderman was because of the scare factor he brought me. I was scared to look out my window or be alone for quite a few days after learning about Slenderman.
There are so many awesome stories about Slenderman. I could go on and on about how cool and interesting he is. The guy that created Slender is a pure genius. I wish I could get his autograph! The sad thing is, most people don't know that Slenderman was created by a regular guy (as far as I know).
I would love it if a movie was made about Slender Man. I'm pretty sure whoever made it would make major bank from it, and make a lot of people happy too! I've skimmed the internet for official news that a movie was being made about him, but all I've really found are YouTube movies or independent movies (which there's nothing wrong with that). I bet a director is planning on making a Slenderman movie, and just keeping it top top top TOP secret. Why? Because they probably don't want other directors to jump on their idea! I know I wouldn't!
So, why am I talking about Slendy? Well, I'm just a huge fan and I guess I just felt the hankering to talk about him! I'm in much higher spirits today as well. Oh man, it's almost time to eat dinner. I'm starved! I'll try to post again tomorrow. Thanks for reading!! =))


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