Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Can I Be Done With School?

Hey! Instead of working on finishing my huge physics lab report, I decided to take a moment to post. Actually, I'm kind of just procrastinating. I've already worked on it for 3 hours! Ughhhh. But yeah, apparently this is the hardest lab of the whole class, so I'll definitely be glad to have this behind me! And in case you didn't notice, I have my left middle finger wrapped up. Why you ask? Well apparently I have an infection in my joint! Yeah, it's not pretty. My finger is swollen and it seems to enjoy painfully throbbing when I'm trying to sleep. But don't worry, I'm taking some lovely medication to make the infection go away.
Well, as much as I hate to say it, I better get back to my homework if I want to get any sleep tonight. Hopefully I won't have homework tomorrow and I can do a fun post! Thanks for reading guys! :)

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