Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2 Years :)

I'm going to keep this short because I need to get to bed, but I just wanted to say that today, our YouTube channel is 2 years old. :) We now have 11 subscribers, over 50 videos, and almost 4000 total video views! I can tell that our channel is finally starting to grow, and hopefully it will continue. Thank you to everyone and anyone that has supported us on YouTube and watched our videos and subscribed. It means the world to me :)) 

Friday, January 24, 2014

Some of My Favorite Movies!

So I decided that I'd share some of my all-time favorite movies. :)

Well taking the cake is the Transformers Trilogy. I love these movies so much. Go on and judge me. I know some people really don't like these movies, but I think they're great! The human characters I don't care for so much, but more the robots. I think they portrayed them pretty well (I'm upset that they changed Soundwave so much though) and I am always amazed by the CGI. These movies play a big role in making me want to be a movie director, and maybe even an animator.

A Nightmare on Elm Street. One of the best horror movies ever made in my opinion. I've known of this movie for a long time, but only got around to watching it about 2 years ago. The premise of this movie is so original; it really impressed me. Wes Craven was a genius in dreaming up this movie (pun intended). This movie made me want to try to make scary movies, along with the usual kind of videos I make.

Kung Fu Panda! I remember the first time I saw this way back in 2008. This movie made me laugh so much! I even remember that my sisters and I assigned each other as characters from the movie. (I was Shi Fu!! Heck yeah!) This movie is super funny, but it also has some good seriousness for the older audience as well. I never get tired of this awesome movie! Skidoosh!

Spider-Man!! This movie holds a really special place in my heart. I watched it when I was just a little girl with my Dad, and really really liked it. I wanted to shoot webs out of my hands just like Spider-Man could! (I still do actually)
Rise of the Guardians. At first glance, you might think "Oh, this is just a dumb kids movie". But no! This movie is awesome! It turns all of your childhood heroes into kickbutt bad-dream fighters! This movie is super funny, and very well made. I was so impressed with this movie. I watched it when I was babysitting some little kids this summer, and after that I rented it so I could watch it again! Take my word for it; this is actually a very good movie.
Ok, well that's all the time I have before the computer dies! I hope you enjoyed this list, and I'll probably do another one soon. There's soooo many movies that I like! Thanks for reading! =)

I Apologize..

Guys, I would like to apologize. I haven't been posting much lately, and when I have, they haven't been very fun or interesting posts. And I've posted many things that I've gone back and deleted. I know that I seem to make a lot of excuses, but it's hard to juggle everything right now. I'm trying my best, but I know I could do so much better. You guys deserve awesome posts, and I haven't really done that for you.
So I'm sorry for my lack of posts and lack of fun topics, but I'm going to hopefully post something fun soon, right after my YouTube video uploads. Stick with me guys =)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

An Official Slender Man Movie?!

I use this picture of SpongeBob because I'm super happy! Why? Well because I just found out that a real deal Slender Man movie is being made!! :D
I found out this news this afternoon during English class. I was supposed to be researching Mahatma Ghandi, probably spelled that wrong, sorry), but I figured that I had enough notes already so I decided to look up Marble Hornets, so I could get myself a little more acquainted with it. And after a little searching, I saw official news that a big budget Slender Man movie is in production! It's supposed to come out sometime this year!! I have never heard of the director, but the guy that is portraying Slendy is named Doug Jones, who has apparently been in a lot of awesome movies! He's 6 foot 4, (yeah, I looked it up), and he looks like the perfect guy to play good old Slender.
So I hope you guys are as excited about this as I am! I cannot wait for this movie!!!! Yayyy!!! :)
Thanks for reading guys! =))

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Embarrassing Moments.

Man, I always seem to have embarrassing moments! It's like they just follow me! Please tell me I'm not the only one that this happens to!!!! I just want to disappear in a hole for a few years. I think I'm going to go back to my idea of living in the mountains and growing a beard. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014


I think I want to make a video series about Slendy. I have so many ideas of what I want to do, and watching Marble Hornet has inspired me. Now I just need to find a suit and a tall person.

Sleep>Videos or Videos>Sleep ???

Why am I so tired? It's not like I've done anything strenuous today. Maybe it's just part of being a teenager. I wrote a script for a new video, but honestly I don't really have the energy to make it right now. All I seem to want to do is sleep! 
And I need some help guys. How do I convince my Mom that the career I want to pursue is a good choice? I'm sure you know that I want to make movies for the rest of my life. My Mom supports me in my decision, but I can tell that she's disappointed that I chose this career path :(  I want her to be happy about my future job! Has this ever happened to you? Have you followed a path that your family isn't all that excited about? If you have any advice, please let me know! I want to make my Mom proud. :) 
Ok, I think I need to get some shut eye. I'm really struggling right now haha. I'm going to sleep for a little while, and then I will crank out a new video for you guys! You guys deserve it, and I want to keep you entertained and coming back to see more. So, I'll see ya in few hours! :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Oh my gosh guys! 2,000 views already!!! Thank you so much! I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when I got on the blog and saw that we had broken 2000 page views. This is truly amazing to me! Man, I just can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to all of you! I'm definitely going to have to make a video thanking you all. You guys deserve it! Again, thank you so much! =)))))))

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Pastel Man

I've lately tried to start skimming to look for new stories that give me the heebie jeebies. There are a lot of good ones out there! The one that sticks in my head the most is called "The Pastel Man". This is an incredibly well written pasta, and keeps you engaged throughout the entire course of the story. I won't give away too much of the story, but here's a brief description. A boy's father falls ill and is about to die, when suddenly a strange and terrifying monster comes to the son. It offers to save the father's life, but for a price.
I would definitely recommend that you read this story. It's one of the better ones I've read as of late. Here's a link you can click that will take you to the creepypasta.
So let's see... Here's my plan for this weekend. Tomorrow, I'm going to make some new videos. We're up to 11 subscribers on YouTube! =D I know that seems like a small number, but it's great to me!! Oh, and I also might be seeing Anchorman 2 tomorrow with some of my guy friends! I hope we can go. I really want to see it. On Tuesday, my Mom and sister Jessica are leaving to go to the March For Life up in Washington D.C. They'll be gone till either Saturday or Sunday. I can't remember which day exactly. But my Mom is leaving home alone with my little sisters! I'm glad that she trusts me enough to leave me in charge. I hope I don't disappoint her. :)
Well, I can't think of anything else to say. I think I'm going to eat some ice cream, then hit the sack. I'm still flippin' tired! Thanks for reading! I can't believe the blog has had almost 2,000 views!!!! :)))
(And click here to check us out on YouTube! Don't forget to subscribe! ;))

Thursday, January 16, 2014


That's going to be me in about an hour. Sadly, I won't actually be turning into an adorable kitty cat. But I will be snuggled up in my bed, getting some much needed rest. I am burnt out. I need sleep, otherwise I won't be able to function! Thank goodness we have a three day weekend!
And to make this post a little more interesting, I decided to talk a little bit about my latest YouTube obsession. It's a series called Marble Hornets. It's about a group of people who start making a movie, and the director soon realizes that he is being followed by Slenderman O_o
This group does an amazing job of giving you the creeps. I'm actually starting to get freaked out, but it's so fun to watch! I hope one day I'll be as good as these people. Check out Marble Hornets on YouTube- if you dare!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Can I Be Done With School?

Hey! Instead of working on finishing my huge physics lab report, I decided to take a moment to post. Actually, I'm kind of just procrastinating. I've already worked on it for 3 hours! Ughhhh. But yeah, apparently this is the hardest lab of the whole class, so I'll definitely be glad to have this behind me! And in case you didn't notice, I have my left middle finger wrapped up. Why you ask? Well apparently I have an infection in my joint! Yeah, it's not pretty. My finger is swollen and it seems to enjoy painfully throbbing when I'm trying to sleep. But don't worry, I'm taking some lovely medication to make the infection go away.
Well, as much as I hate to say it, I better get back to my homework if I want to get any sleep tonight. Hopefully I won't have homework tomorrow and I can do a fun post! Thanks for reading guys! :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Why Is Killing Zombies So Fun?

I don't recall if I mentioned this before, but we recently got the game Call of Duty: Black Ops. The multiplayer is fun and all, but what we really love to play is the Zombie mode. It's pretty difficult for us noobs, but we really enjoy it! We've spent many nights up till the break of dawn playing this game. I believe that farthest we've ever gotten so far has been Round 10. That's pretty good for us!
Well, I think I'm going to play this game now. Talking about it makes me want to play!!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Why Is Slenderman So Popular?

Many people know who Slenderman is. I've talked about him quite a bit on this blog. But I've been thinking: What makes Slendy so popular and has created a large fangirl following?
Slenderman is a tall, white, faceless figure that stalks people and most likely kills them. He has tentacle things that can come out of his back to scare the pants off of people, if his appearance doesn't do that already. He's been seen in pictures that involve children, usually stalking in the background.
Now, these pictures have been proven to be fake. Slender Man originated from a Something Awful forum (if my memory serves me right). So he is 100% made up. .......Or is he? There is actually some very compelling evidence that people have at least seen something LIKE Slendy. I remember reading somewhere about how people in the 1600s saw a tall, white man that scared the dickens out of them. But hey, that could be made up too. Who knows? So, why are girls drooling over Slender Man? I mean, he's scary! And he doesn't even have a face! Well, take a look at this picture.
First off, I want to say that I really like this picture and I don't intend to condemn it in any way. I'm just using this as an example of what pop culture has done to Slender. They've given him a sweet side. Instead of being a totally menacing, scary monster that wants to kill you, he's starting to become more of a misunderstood, mysterious shy guy. I don't really see anything wrong with this, but the reason I fell in love with Slenderman was because of the scare factor he brought me. I was scared to look out my window or be alone for quite a few days after learning about Slenderman.
There are so many awesome stories about Slenderman. I could go on and on about how cool and interesting he is. The guy that created Slender is a pure genius. I wish I could get his autograph! The sad thing is, most people don't know that Slenderman was created by a regular guy (as far as I know).
I would love it if a movie was made about Slender Man. I'm pretty sure whoever made it would make major bank from it, and make a lot of people happy too! I've skimmed the internet for official news that a movie was being made about him, but all I've really found are YouTube movies or independent movies (which there's nothing wrong with that). I bet a director is planning on making a Slenderman movie, and just keeping it top top top TOP secret. Why? Because they probably don't want other directors to jump on their idea! I know I wouldn't!
So, why am I talking about Slendy? Well, I'm just a huge fan and I guess I just felt the hankering to talk about him! I'm in much higher spirits today as well. Oh man, it's almost time to eat dinner. I'm starved! I'll try to post again tomorrow. Thanks for reading!! =))


Friday, January 10, 2014

This Is Why I Hate High School..

Rumors, rumors, rumors...
I don't understand why people decide to start crap that isn't true. It may not seem that bad when you just hear about it, but being on the receiving end is not a good feeling. I just don't understand. In case you're wondering, I've become one of the many people that has something totally untrue being said about them. I try to be as nice of a person as I can, but I guess even that won't stop the nasty things that float around. Well, I've finally decided that I'm going to distance myself from the negative people in my life. It'll be tough. I care about some of these people soo soo so much. But if they don't like me anymore, it's not really worth it, is it?
I'm just so darn confused right now. I hope that I've never made anyone feel like this, because believe me, it's an awful feeling to have.
I just want to say that if any of you are going through a difficult time or are being bullied or made fun of, I'm here for you. I may not personally know you, but I bet I can relate. I would love to help anyone who is feeling down. There are always people around when I need them, and I would like to return the favor as well. I guess I can only go up from here, so I'll just try to keep smiling. :)
Let's see.. Here's some updates. I'm planning on making some gaming videos this weekend. If I feel up to it, I'll have another go at Slender tonight. Maybe being scared will help me feel less crappy somehow haha. And I have a couple new video ideas, but once again, I'm not really motivated to make anything right now. I think I need a little R&R, and then I might have a little brighter outlook on things.
So as always, thank you thank you thank you for reading. I know I'm probably an annoying teenager sometimes, but I'm glad that people like you take time out of your day to read what I have to say. :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Back To School!

Today, we had to go back to school (unfortunately..). My schedule is really different this semester, and my day just felt really weird. I don't really like my new classes! They're really boring and none of my close friends are in them :(
I just can't wait to be done with high school. It seems like such a waste of time!! But, I don't make the rules. The lovely government does.. And Michelle Obama took away all of our good lunches too. Thanks Michelle! I love eating pigs in a blanket twice a week. (Just kidding, I hate hotdogs!!!) Is Spring Break here yet?????????

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Instagram. A website where taking photos of your food is (apparently) acceptable.

Hey everyone! I recently got an Instagram account, and uhh yeah. You can feel free to follow me if you want! I might follow you back if you look like an interesting person ;) Well, that's all! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Hey guyssssss. Man, I feel like pure crap today! Why can't I feel this sick during school? My nose is running and I can barely talk. Oh, and not to mention the fact that I feel like my head is about to explode!! Man, this sucks eggs!! I want to be well so I can have motivation to actually do things! We did make a video last night, but that really ran me down. I probably shouldn't of gone out into the freezing wind with no jacket.... 
But anyways, enough of me being a baby. Break is already almost over!! :( I have to go back to school next Tuesday, which seems a bit strange. I don't know why we don't just go back on Monday. But hey, I'm cool with it. 
Did you have a good new year? I suppose I did, although it was a bit strange... I won't go into detail though. Well, I think that's all for today. See you later!! :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

It is officially 2014! And you know what that means..... 

Nothing!!!!! I mean, yeah, it's a new year and all, but what's the big deal? I don't know about you, but I don't really get why people only make resolutions during the new year. If you make a resolution any other time of the year, nobody bats an eye. I've just started not making New Years resolutions. I just don't see the point. If I want to make a resolution, I'll do it when I darn well feel like it!
But still, I hope that you guys are having a wonderful day! And if you did make some resolutions, good luck with them! I hope this year goes wonderfully for you!! :)