Friday, November 29, 2013

Time For Another (Hopefully) Wonderful List!

As you might know, my most favorite band of all-time is Linkin Park. I can relate to pretty much all their songs. So I decided that I would make a list of some of my very favorite songs by them.
"The Little Things Give You Away". Man, I can't even begin to describe how much I love this song. It's one of the lesser known songs, but I honestly think it's one of their best. The lyrics are really deep, and Chester's singing is so amazing. I've listened to this song countless times, but I'm still a bit unsure as to what the lyrics really mean. Here's how I kind of perceive it. As you and another person grow apart, you start to see the little things about them that have changed, or that have surfaced since you have begun to drift apart. That's just how I see it. I'm sure people take it different ways. But seriously, give this one a listen.
"Powerless". If you're feeling depressed, I would highly recommend that you listen to this song. This song cuts right into your heart. To me, this song talks about how even though you try to change someone or to forget about them, you're still powerless compared to them. They have a hold on you that you just can't shake, and there's nothing you can do about it. If I'm upset and I listen to this song, I start to cry. But that just shows how deep this song is.
"New Divide". You may recall hearing this song in the credits of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I feel like the message of this song is that you're asking the person you care about to give you a sign or a reason to not give up on them, and to cross this "new divide" together with that person. I would suggest that you check out the music video to this song. There's a reason that it has over 100 million views!
"What I've Done". I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you've probably heard this song before. It is one of their most popular songs! It's upbeat and really catchy. I mean, how can you not like this song??
"In The End". You've probably also heard this one. It amazes me that this song is fairly old, but it still lives on. I think that almost anyone can relate to this song. I mean, just take this line for example. "I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn't even matter." Haven't we all been in situations like that before? Lord knows I have!
"Iridescent". If you're ever feeling down and need something to boost your spirit, listen to this amazing song. The message of this song is to let go of your sadness and desperation, and to let yourself be happy. Everything will work out in the end. (No pun intended. Ok, well maybe a little bit)
"A Light That Never Comes". Ok, this one might get me some hate. But I seriously love this song! A lot of people dislike this song because it has dubstep in it. But here's the thing I love about Linkin Park: they experiment with different types of music, but make it amazing (in my opinion) This song always puts me in a good mood and makes me want to dance, even though I'm a horrible dancer...
"Waiting For The End" This song holds a very special place in my heart. I made my first ever music video to this song, and I think it helped spark my love for film-making. To me, this song says that you just need to keep your head up and wait for the end of whatever is going wrong to come. Because there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. :)
"Numb". I don't see how you could possibly dislike this song either. This is another one of those songs that I think almost anyone can relate to at one moment or another in their life. Haven't you ever just became numb to something or someone, and you can't seem to get a feel for anything anymore?
"One Step Closer". I love listening to this song when I'm mad. It's one of those songs that makes you want to go outside and flip over trash cans and be rebellious. Sometimes I wish I could sing this song to a person that I'm mad at haha.
"Crawling". Here's another rage mode/depressed mood song. Do you have those mental wounds that you feel like just won't heal? Well, Linkin Park knows how to perfectly describe your situation and your feelings.
"Lies Greed Misery". I want to see you choke on your lies, swallow your greed, suffer all alone in your misery! I wish I had the guts to say that to people who lie to me. But I guess listening to this song suffices. At first I was a bit unsure about this song, but now it's one of my favorites. I can't really explain what draws me to this song, I just really like it.
"Valentine's Day". This song is beautiful and amazing, but I can only listen to it when I'm already feeling upset. It talks about the sadness and pain of being alone on Valentine's Day, with no one there to spend time with you. =(
"Shadow of the Day". Here's another one that makes the tears flow (at least for me). This one just always seems to awaken painful memories inside of me. But nonetheless, this song is amazing. Definitely listen to it.
"Roads Untraveled". Wow, I'm putting a lot of sad songs on this list. But they're the ones that I can relate to the most. Anyways, I really have no idea what this song means. I think the meaning is to let go and stop living in the past, but that's just my guess. The vocals in this song always seems to bring tears to my eyes. That's how much this song gets to me (in a good way).
"Burn It Down". I decided to conclude this list with a more upbeat, happy song. I'm sure that you've heard this one. This song makes me want to dance and catch stuff on fire. Hmm.. Perhaps I could do that in a music video... ;)

Well, there's another list. I hope you guys enjoyed reading! I know that there are sooooo many more Linkin Park songs that deserve a spot on this list, but it would seriously take me all night to make that hahaha. I know you may not be a Linkin Park fan, but hey, I can't please everyone. I'll leave links to the songs at the bottom of this post in case you want to check any of them out. Thanks for reading! :)

The Little Things Give You Away:
New Divide:
What I've Done:
In The End:
A Light That Never Comes:
Waiting For The End:
One Step Closer:
Lies Greed Misery:
Valentine's Day:
Shadow of the Day:
Roads Untraveled:
Burn It Down:

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Let's Get Another Round Over Here!

Wow, it's already almost Thanksgiving! You know what that means! Time to stuff yourself till you're almost positive you're stomach is going to explode! This picture I added is pretty much the epiphany of what I'll be doing Thanksgiving day, except I'll be eating turkey and whatnot instead of ice cream.
And oh my, how could I forget? I checked the blog yesterday, and I couldn't believe my eyes! Over 1000 views!!! I cannot thank you guys enough! I mean, this is just amazing! Seeing that there are so many people that read the blog instantly brightens my day. Seriously everyone, thank you so much! I hope that I can continue writing posts that are interesting to you guys, so that you'll keep reading =)
That's all for now. I still have to pack for the trip we're going on. I'm going out of town to see some family, and I'm super excited because I also get to leave after first hour tomorrow! I was going to skip school altogether, but of course I have a test in my first class (Precalc, ughhhh) I can't promise that I'll post these next few days, but I'll do my best to keep you up to date. Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading! :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

And Today, Let's Talk About Autobots!

Well, I'm going to have to go with Optimus Prime as my all time favorite. He's pretty much everyone's favorite, but for good reason. He's the leader of the Autobots, and the last of the Primes. Optimus used to be called Orion Pax, but after he was injured and the Autobots needed a leader, he was rebuilt into Optimus Prime and given the Matrix of Leadership. (It explains his story more in the 1980s cartoon). What I love about Optimus is that all he wants is peace, and refuses to hurt anyone that doesn't pose a threat. He's incredibly caring and inspirational.

Probably another obvious pick, but seriously, how can you not like Bumblebee? He's so cute and caring. Even though he's one of the smallest Autobots, he's one of the bravest. He's always trying to show that he's just as brave and capable as the bigger, stronger Autobots. Bumblebee is one of the best fighters, and many of the Autobots look up to him. If you haven't seen the cartoons, you might not know that Bumblebee CAN ACTUALLY TALK. I don't really understand why Bumblebee never really got his voice back in any of the live-action Transformers movies. But maybe he will in the fourth movie. =)
Man, Ironhide is so BA! He's the weapons specialist for the Autobots, and he loves to shoot stuff. He's super brave and always confident in himself. One of my favorite lines from Ironhide is in the 2007 Transformers movie when he says "The parents are very irritating... Can I take them out?"
"Ironhide, you know we don't harm humans! What is with you?" replies Optimus.
Ironhide just shrugs and says "Well, I'm just saying we could. It's an option"
Ratchet is basically the doctor for the Autobots. He doesn't like to fight, but he will when he has to. Ratchet is cool to me because he helps any Autobot that is injured, and sometimes he even helps Decpeticons, even when they don't deserve it (watch Transformers Prime, it'll make more sense haha) Ratchet it also super smart. I mean, just listen to him talk. Some of the things he says go right over my head!
Cliffjumper is probably one of the lesser known Autobots, but he's seriously awesome. He's small like Bumblebee, and he's one of the most adventurous. He can jump pretty high (hence, the name Cliffjumper). He's always taking on dangerous tasks and missions to prove himself. Cliff is also really funny. He's like the teenager that always makes you laugh.

Jazz is the cool guy robot. He's so smooth in everything he says and does. He can shoot a grappling hook out of his hand, so he can swing around and get to high places very easily (and look cool while doing it) I wish they wouldn't of killed of Jazz in the first Transformers movie. He was so awesome!
Wheeljack is a smart, but sometimes overconfident Autobot that like to invent things. A lot of his inventions don't exactly work out though, and he's often having to be repaired by Ratchet. In vehicle mode, he can do all kinds of tricks and likes to show off his moves. He's a pretty cool robot!
Oh man, Dino is so cool! He actually has another name: Mirage. In Transformers: Dark of the Moon, they call him Dino. He has an awesome Mexican accent and talks in Spanish once in a while. He cares a lot about his appearance, and freaks out if he gets one little scratch or dent on himself. Dino is a really good fighter, and he has awesome whips with hooks on the ends that he can use to grab Decepticons or whatever it is he does with his weapon.
Arcee is one of the few female Autobots. She was in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but they hardly included her and of course killed her off. Even though she's a girl, she's a tough fighter and has a strong hate for the Decepticons. Arcee will do anything to protect her Autobot and human companions, and is a pro at hand-to-hand combat.

Well, I think that's enough for now. I still have homework to do =O I know that there's so many more Autobots I could do, but I'll have to do them another time. And as always, thanks for reading :)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sorry Guys!

I know I said I was going to post a Creepypasta tonight, but of course it won't upload! I'm really really sorry! I would do a new one, but I spent a lot of time on this one and I'm kind of burnt out now haha. (It was a 27 minute video). I'll do my best to make one tomorrow. Please forgive me!

Let's Talk Decepticons Today

Hey everyone! It's a wonderful Saturday afternoon, and I finally got around to posting again! So I thought that I'd discuss Decepticons. I love the Autobots, but I also love the Decepticons. I think it only makes sense if you're a Transformers fan though. Both sides have things that I like. I guess that's a way to explain it haha.
Anyways, I thought that I'd start off with my favorite Decepticon: Soundwave (pictured above). Man, Soundwave is so cool, I don't even know where to begin! Well let's see, he's in charge of communications and whatnot. He has a really robotic, monotonous voice, which I think makes him really BA. I recently learned that he can even read minds! He somehow scans and decodes electrical impulses that form thoughts. He's truly loyal to Megatron, and he'll do whatever it takes to prove himself. Soundwave also has some sidekicks. He can pop them out of his chest (that sounds weird, but it's actually pretty cool). I could go on and on about Soundwave, but there's other Decpeticons to get to.
Ahh yes, good old Megatron. There's many reasons that he's cool. He's pretty much psycho because he's so power hungry. He'll do anything to get what he wants. He's the leader of the Decepticons (obviously). What I find cool about Megatron is that even though he's the bad guy and all, he never backs down. Well, almost never. Sometimes he's a big coward. But he's just one of those bad guys that you just can't hate, no matter how hard you try!
Starscream. Honestly, he's probably one of the dumbest Decepticons. But he's funny, and I think that's what makes me like him. He always comes up with dumb plans and says stupid things. He's Megatron's right hand man, but the funny thing is, he'd betray Megatron in a second if it meant more power for himself. I seriously don't get why Megatron hasn't killed Starscream yet. But I mean I guess it makes sense- people would not be happy if they got rid of Starscream forever.
Ravage is a jaguar-like Decepticon that is one of Soundwave's minions, so to speak. I find Ravage cool because he's more like an animal than a robot in appearance (uhh, kind of). I'm not really sure what draws me to this robot, I guess it's just because I find him so cool.

Well, that's all the time I have right now. I'm sure that most of these Decepticons were pretty obvious picks, but hey, they're my favorites. Maybe in the future, I'll do more of these. I should really do an Autobot version of this as well. Boy, that'll be a long list!! Anyways, thanks for reading! Check back for a Creepypasta tonight! :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just Let That Sink In..

I found this picture on Google. Now I feel even older! But seriously, can you believe that SpongeBob is still around? It's almost as old as me! Heck, I'm 17 and I still get excited when SpongeBob comes on. Especially the old episodes. Those are the best! They have a lot of hidden adult humor and they're just hilarious.
I'm tired. I was going to do a Creepypasta today, but I just can't find the energy. Luckily, Thanksgiving break is next week, so hopefully I can crank out some new videos. Thanks for reading guys! :)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

I Miss The Good Old Creepypastas...

Now that Halloween is over, I miss doing a Creepypasta everyday! I was having a lot of fun with them, and there are a lot of great stories out there to do! So I'm thinking that maybe every once in a while, I'll do a Creepypasta! I feel like maybe you guys enjoyed them, and I sure as heck enjoyed doing them! So yeah, maybe I'll even do one tonight.
In other news, I finished my book! I almost started crying after I wrote the last line. I've put a lot of time and effort into this book, and I had a great time writing it. It helped me escape the outside world for a while, and I think it helped me become more creative and even find myself a little bit. But no need to worry about me being depressed, I'm already preparing to write the second book :)
Let's see.. What else do I have to tell you guys... Oh yeah! Today I'm going to try to make a video in which I clone myself so two of me are in one place at the same time. Yeah, if I can pull this off, I'll be really happy! I did it last year in my computer class, but I haven't tried to do it with the editing software that I have. So wish me luck! :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

3 Day Weekend!

I'm in a pretty good mood today! Man, this week was tough. I've been so sick since last Sunday. But I'm finally feeling better! One of the main reasons why I'm in a good mood is because I feel like I finally have my vibe back. Every since my ex broke up with me earlier this year, I just didn't find the joy that I used to have to make videos. I would still make them, but I didn't really have as much fun as I normally would. That really put a damper on my spirit. But with the Halloween Special that we made, I feel like it reignited the spark I used to have. I had the time of my life making the video. I enjoyed writing it, acting it, and even editing it. And I got a lot of positive comments from friends and family that watched it, which made me feel great. My Mom even said that she thinks it's one of the best videos we've made so far.
I still feel depressed sometimes, but it's not half as bad as it was this summer. Now I just have the outlook that whatever happens happens. I can't control everything that happens, nor can I control other people. So I'm just going to be Bridget Bradbury, the girl that believes in aliens and dreams of being a famous movie director. Everything will happen the way it's supposed to. :)
Wow, I kind of feel like a motivational speaker haha. Oh! I just remembered something! I read an article online that said that in Transformers 4, Optimus Prime is going to die. Now, I know that this article could be fake, which I really hope it is! If they kill off Optimus in Transformers 4, there will be so many unhappy people. I'll probably cry! Optimus Prime is just so kind and inspirational, and pretty much everyone loves him. Why they would want to kill him (again) makes no sense to me. But if he does indeed die, they better resurrect him before the movie's over. Gahh, this just makes me mad. I will be sorely disappointed if I go see this movie next summer and Optimus Prime is killed for good. I might not be able to go on with my life if that happens. I'll have to move to the mountains, become a recluse and grow a beard. That's how depressed I'll be.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Batman: Arkham City

I mentioned about a week ago that I got a new Xbox game; Batman: Arkham City. Now, I'm aware that Arkham Asylum came before Arkham City, but this one was on sale so I went ahead and got it. It's super fun! The graphics are so amazing, probably some of the best I've seen. The game has a dark, serious feel, which I really like. This is also probably one of the hardest games I've ever played. There's a lot of puzzles to solve, and a lot of them are tough! But that just makes it all the more fun. Games aren't as interesting if they just give you all the answers to the puzzles. When you finally solve a puzzle or a problem, it makes you feel pretty BA ;)
So yeah, I'll continue playing this one. I haven't gotten very far in it, just because I'm a slow problem-solver haha. I'm also almost finished with Transformers: War for Cybertron, which makes me sad :( I have so much fun with these Transformers games, and I never want them to end!
Check our Youtube channel out tonight for a new video: What I Like and Dislike About Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I'm choosing to do this Transformer movie because it seems to be the most hated one, which I don't really understand. Yeah, it has it's flaws, but don't all movies have flaws in them? So I though I'd tackle this one and see if what I think matches up with what other people think. Stay tuned :)

Friday, November 1, 2013

What Have I Done???

First off, I just want to say that I am truly sorry! I said that I would post a Creepypasta story everyday up to Halloween, and then I didn't! Here's what happened. Monday was a terrible, terrible day. Something happened at school, and well... I started crying. I'm a little embarrassed about it, but I was just so upset. I'm fine now, it just all happened at the wrong place and wrong time.
I stayed home on Tuesday. I didn't feel well and I just didn't have the energy to go to school. Wednesday I had to work on the Halloween Special for our Youtube channel, so that took up most of my time. And Thursday I finished up the video. It took me a good chunk of time to edit.
So yeah, I'm sure you're thinking "Excuses, excuses Bridget...". I really do feel bad! I wanted to do a story every day for you guys, but after all the stress that plopped down on my shoulders, I just couldn't seem to do it. I'll try to make it up to you guys somehow! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Halloween! :)