Sunday, July 28, 2013

What's New With Bridget?

Man, these past few days have flown by! I'm having so much fun in Saint Louis! On Friday, I went shopping at the mall with my Mom and sisters (my cousins aren't big shoppers) Usually I go all out and spend most of my money, but not this time. I bought one thing, and it was.... Badadadadadum.... Transformers: Fall of Cybertron! I am so pumped and excited to play this game! I honestly can't even believe I found it. I went into GameStop hoping to find Minecraft (my guy friend really wants me to get it), and I somehow managed to find the Transformers game I've been searching for! I cannot wait to play it!
On Saturday, we went with my cousins to a big farm that lets you walk around and pick yourself fruit that they've grown. We picked peaches and blackberries, and they are delicious! I almost forgot how much I liked blackberries until I had one that evening. Then at 8 o'clock, we all sat in my cousin's living room and watched the most professionally made movie ever: Sharknado. Ok, it was seriously the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. The CGI is pathetic, like c'mon, I could probably do better than that! The acting and dialogue is cringe-worthy. I think the writers were drunk or something when they came up with this movie. How else do you come up with a movie about sharks caught in a tornado? I'll tell you what though, I laughed so much while watching this movie. It's so bad, you can't help but laugh at it haha. But if you watch it, realize that you'll be wasting 2 hours of your life, even though it is funny to watch.
Not much happened today. We all went and ate out for my other cousin's birthday (he lives in Saint Louis as well) Afterwards, I went along with my cousin Dave and my sister Jess on a magic carpet ride... Ok not really. That would be awesome though! Jessica just got her permit, so Dave let her drive around Shiloh a little bit. (My cousins actually live in Shiloh, Illinois, which is about 5ish minutes from Saint Louis) Jess did really good! She was kind of scared to drive at first, but once she got used to driving a different car, she did awesome.
Now, Jess and I are just chilling in my cousin's semi-creepy basement with one of my other sisters, Bernadette (the middle child) We're talking about boys! Ooh boys!
One more thing. My spider bite is better! It still looks pretty gross, but it's not swollen anymore and it doesn't hurt so bad. I'm so relieved that it's healing!
Well, I guess that's all for now! Goodnight everyone! :)

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