Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ever Have One Of Those Days?

Do you ever have one of those days where everything just seems to go wrong? Yeah, me too. It all started at 4 am this morning when I woke up, itching like crazy all over my body. I was so uncomfortable. I pretty much screamed because I was in so much pain and discomfort from the itchiness. I took some Benadryl, only to wake up 2 hours later even more itchy. I got up again and put itch cream all over me. Finally, I had some comfort.
I woke up at like 10:30, and looked at myself. The itchy red bumps were now covering most of my body. I looked pretty freaky and gross. I had to wait to go to the doctor till 4, so I had to keep spraying myself with itch spray and try not to scratch. I finally went to go to the doctor, and they gave me a steroid shot. Thankfully, I'm feeling much better now, but I'm still pretty itchy.
So what else went wrong today, Bridget? Well, let's just say I made my boy troubles even worse. I'm not very good at choosing the right words for the situation, and I really blew it today. I don't think my ex even knows that I have a blog, but if he did read this, I would want him to know that I'm sorry. I really like him, but I feel like I keep screwing things up!
Sorry I'm getting all sappy here. This day has just not been a good one for me. I hope I'm not annoying you with my angst, but believe me, I feel better just talking about my day on this blog! I like to let out my feelings. It makes me feel 1000x better.
I guess one thing did go well today. I played Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and it is awesome! You play as Bumblebee to start (booyah!!) and then later as Optimus Prime (booyah again!) The controls are pretty easy to learn, but I'm still getting the hang of it. I'm not very good at shooter games yet haha. But yeah, I'm probably going to play it again after I'm done with this post.
Anyways, thank you for reading. I really really hope I didn't annoy you with my problems, but I feel a lot better now after talking about them. Until next time, see ya!

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