Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Spiders! D=

About a week ago, I woke up at like 3 in the morning because my left leg hurt really bad. I noticed a little red bump on my thigh. I didn't think much of it, I just thought maybe a bug had bit me. On Friday, I left with my youth group to go to a Catholic Youth Conference (yes, I'm Catholic. Judge me.) My bite had gotten quite a bit worse, but I just thought it would go away. By then I had figured out it was most likely a spider bite.
I've had a ton of spider bites this summer for some reason, but they've all gone away. My leg hurt pretty bad this whole trip, but I didn't tell any of the adults about it. I just don't like all the attention I guess haha. But on Sunday, my sister pointed out to my friend's mom that my leg was looking horrible. Yeah, it was pretty gross. I was getting worried about it myself. Half my thigh was swollen. So suddenly everyone was around me, looking at my gross spider bite, and I just kind of stood there, unsure what to do. And then 5 minutes later, I was being taken to the hospital. I was scared, I haven't been to the ER since I was like 4. I was almost sure that they would lance my bite. (For those of you that don't know, lancing is when they cut your bite open with a very sharp scalpel.. Ouch)
We got to the ER, and had to wait about 20 minutes just to get checked in. There didn't seem to be much of a sense of urgency, but oh well. I finally got in to see the doctor, and he squeezed my bite really hard then said "We do not have to lance it". Man, I sure did breath a sigh of relief! The doc said that if I had come any later, they probably would've had to lance it. I really wanted to know what kind of spider bit me, but the doctor said there was no way of knowing. I guess it wasn't a genetically engineered spider though. I've been trying to shoot webs out of my hands for days! I guess it was just a normal poisonous spider. So now I'm back home and on antibiotics that make me feel loopy and act weird haha. But it's fine, I'm just glad my bite is getting better! 
I've really been wanting to post some new videos, but it's hard for me right now because I'm having trouble walking and I keep getting dizzy. But don't worry! I will post some new ones as soon as I can! I might even put a music video on today if I feel up to it. Well, sorry for the long post! But thanks for reading and checking out our blog! It really means a lot to me! :)

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