Sunday, September 15, 2013

Who Invented Birthdays?

I turn 17 tomorrow.. I really don't want to be 17. I'll just be another year older, slowly getting closer and closer to being an oldster. I'm terrified of growing old! I wish I could just be 16 forever. I would be totally fine with it! It's not that I don't like having my birthday, it's the getting older part I don't like. I'm sure that there's perks to being elderly, but I can't help being scared to grow old!
You're probably thinking "Geez Bridget, just quit your complaining and be happy! Goshhhh". I know, I complain about things. Who doesn't? I try not to complain too much, but it happens sometimes. I have to let it out.
I had my birthday party last night! It was pretty fun! I invited a lot of people, but only about half of them came. It's their loss if they didn't come! Two of my guy friends were at my house till 3 in the morning! We had a really fun time even when we were practically asleep haha. I'm pretty tired today, but at least I have the whole day to rest!
On another note, remember that spider bite I talked about a while ago? Well, last Monday, I felt that same leg get bit, and by Thursday, I had a swollen bite. I really thought it was from a brown recluse, but I was oh so very wrong. I went to the doctor on Friday, and he said that I have a staph infection. =O It hurts very bad, but I'm trying not to complain about it too much (speaking of complaining, did I mention that I don't want to grow old?) I'm on these big pink pills that I have to take 4 times a day, and I have to eat a lot of yogurt. Why? Well, the antibiotics I'm taking kills the bad things in my body, but also the good things. So Bridget has to eat yogurt to build the good stuff back up! I don't really like yogurt all that much, but I'm sucking it up and eating it. I don't want to die! (staph can kill you) The best yogurt I've had so far was called Muller (I think) and it was basically plain yogurt with strawberry mousse on top. It was good!!!
Yeah, this post is pretty long today. I haven't posted in a while, and I have a lot to say! Maybe I'll post tomorrow and let you know how my birthday went. I guess we'll see!

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