Monday, September 9, 2013

What's Out There?

Some people are highly grounded in reality. They believe seeing is believing. They refuse to believe in anything that can't be proven. It pains me when people don't have an imagination. I feel like life is so much more fun when you have a big imagination. You can dream up all kinds of things, believe in things that you can't necessarily see. For example, I truly believe that aliens exist. I've seen a few UFOs, and c'mon, we have all kinds of galaxies out there. There must be others out there! I also believe that superheroes exist, they've just hidden themselves, afraid to be rejected by society.
I'm getting kind of deep, aren't I? I like talking about this kind of stuff. Life is boring without an imagination, without creativity, without dreams. You don't have to agree with the things I believe in, but shooting me down isn't going to help anyone out. I try not to judge people (but if you like Justin Bieber and/ or One Direction, no, just... No.) I get judged a lot because of my personality, because of what I like. Oh, I'm sorry that I'm just being myself. It's very difficult to find people that aren't fake, especially being in high school right now.
High school is difficult. I find myself day dreaming a lot during my classes. I just can't focus on things I'm not interested in. I'm in all these classes that I feel like have nothing to do with the career I want to have. I could be wrong, but how does complex numbers have anything to do with making a movie, for example? Oh well. Only 1 year left of high school. Here's hoping things go better from here on out! It's not really going how I had hoped... Whatever. Aliens are real!

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