Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Well Hello There!

Hey everyone! My sister's kitten decided to hop in my lap, so I decided to take some pictures with him! His name is Opi, but I prefer to call him Obi Wan Kinobi. That name seems much cooler to me. Jess got him for her birthday last month, and he's a total sweetie. My cat Simba is not a big fan of him though. Obi Wan will always try to play with him, and Simba freaks out and starts growling. Maybe they'll get along one of these days..
I'm really excited because I just found out last night the name of the upcoming Transformers movie. It's official name is Transformers: Age of Extinction. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the live action franchise, but I love it. I wish they would focus more about the robots instead of human romance, but I just skip over those parts and get to the action. I am soooo excited to see Transformers 4! It comes out next summer, on June 27th, which is also my Mom's birthday! Maybe she'll want to go to the movies for her birthday... XD Until next summer, I guess I'll just have to keep watching the first 3 movies. No problemo!

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