Saturday, September 28, 2013

Round 2, Slenderman??

As you know, I played Slenderman a few weeks ago and got the living daylights scared out of me. Well, I think it's time to play again! I just downloaded some software that allows you to record your gameplay, so if I figure out how to get it working, you guys can see how I react when I play the game! I just need to wait for it to get dark outside, which shouldn't take too long since it's raining today. Check back soon for more! :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Video Game!

On Sunday, I ordered myself a birthday present off of I really really wanted Transformers War For Cybertron for my birthday. I didn't get it, so I ordered it myself! I got it yesterday, and it's awesome! I haven't had a ton of time to play it since I've been so busy, but I already love it! The graphics are amazingggg! I can't get over how beautiful this game is.
My guy friends have been begging me to get Minecraft for the past forever, so I finally bought some Microsoft points at Wal- Mart today. I'll probably download Minecraft after the football game tomorrow. I'm really excited to play it! I don't know a ton about it, but it looks really fun!
As I am typing this, I see that the blog only needs 29 more views to reach 500! I'm really excited for the video I'm going to make you guys. I have a lot of ideas swarming through my head, and I think it'll be good! :)
Thanks for reading everyone! Keep checking back for more posts! =)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Mind Just Hatched An Idea!

I just had a great idea! I've decided that when this blog either reaches 50 posts or 500 views, I'll make a video for you guys! It will probably be something funny, and also something to thank you all for reading this blog. I know I only have like what, one follower, but it's ok! I'm just happy to see that people read this blog and share some of my posts. That makes me feel good about myself and gives me self esteem XD. Haha well maybe not the self esteem part. But anyways, thank you for reading. Be on the lookout for a video when we reach 50 posts or 500 views! :)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm 17!! =O

Hey guys! I decided to do things a little differently today. So, here's a video instead of the usual long post!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Who Invented Birthdays?

I turn 17 tomorrow.. I really don't want to be 17. I'll just be another year older, slowly getting closer and closer to being an oldster. I'm terrified of growing old! I wish I could just be 16 forever. I would be totally fine with it! It's not that I don't like having my birthday, it's the getting older part I don't like. I'm sure that there's perks to being elderly, but I can't help being scared to grow old!
You're probably thinking "Geez Bridget, just quit your complaining and be happy! Goshhhh". I know, I complain about things. Who doesn't? I try not to complain too much, but it happens sometimes. I have to let it out.
I had my birthday party last night! It was pretty fun! I invited a lot of people, but only about half of them came. It's their loss if they didn't come! Two of my guy friends were at my house till 3 in the morning! We had a really fun time even when we were practically asleep haha. I'm pretty tired today, but at least I have the whole day to rest!
On another note, remember that spider bite I talked about a while ago? Well, last Monday, I felt that same leg get bit, and by Thursday, I had a swollen bite. I really thought it was from a brown recluse, but I was oh so very wrong. I went to the doctor on Friday, and he said that I have a staph infection. =O It hurts very bad, but I'm trying not to complain about it too much (speaking of complaining, did I mention that I don't want to grow old?) I'm on these big pink pills that I have to take 4 times a day, and I have to eat a lot of yogurt. Why? Well, the antibiotics I'm taking kills the bad things in my body, but also the good things. So Bridget has to eat yogurt to build the good stuff back up! I don't really like yogurt all that much, but I'm sucking it up and eating it. I don't want to die! (staph can kill you) The best yogurt I've had so far was called Muller (I think) and it was basically plain yogurt with strawberry mousse on top. It was good!!!
Yeah, this post is pretty long today. I haven't posted in a while, and I have a lot to say! Maybe I'll post tomorrow and let you know how my birthday went. I guess we'll see!

Monday, September 9, 2013

What's Out There?

Some people are highly grounded in reality. They believe seeing is believing. They refuse to believe in anything that can't be proven. It pains me when people don't have an imagination. I feel like life is so much more fun when you have a big imagination. You can dream up all kinds of things, believe in things that you can't necessarily see. For example, I truly believe that aliens exist. I've seen a few UFOs, and c'mon, we have all kinds of galaxies out there. There must be others out there! I also believe that superheroes exist, they've just hidden themselves, afraid to be rejected by society.
I'm getting kind of deep, aren't I? I like talking about this kind of stuff. Life is boring without an imagination, without creativity, without dreams. You don't have to agree with the things I believe in, but shooting me down isn't going to help anyone out. I try not to judge people (but if you like Justin Bieber and/ or One Direction, no, just... No.) I get judged a lot because of my personality, because of what I like. Oh, I'm sorry that I'm just being myself. It's very difficult to find people that aren't fake, especially being in high school right now.
High school is difficult. I find myself day dreaming a lot during my classes. I just can't focus on things I'm not interested in. I'm in all these classes that I feel like have nothing to do with the career I want to have. I could be wrong, but how does complex numbers have anything to do with making a movie, for example? Oh well. Only 1 year left of high school. Here's hoping things go better from here on out! It's not really going how I had hoped... Whatever. Aliens are real!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Well Hello There!

Hey everyone! My sister's kitten decided to hop in my lap, so I decided to take some pictures with him! His name is Opi, but I prefer to call him Obi Wan Kinobi. That name seems much cooler to me. Jess got him for her birthday last month, and he's a total sweetie. My cat Simba is not a big fan of him though. Obi Wan will always try to play with him, and Simba freaks out and starts growling. Maybe they'll get along one of these days..
I'm really excited because I just found out last night the name of the upcoming Transformers movie. It's official name is Transformers: Age of Extinction. I know a lot of people aren't fans of the live action franchise, but I love it. I wish they would focus more about the robots instead of human romance, but I just skip over those parts and get to the action. I am soooo excited to see Transformers 4! It comes out next summer, on June 27th, which is also my Mom's birthday! Maybe she'll want to go to the movies for her birthday... XD Until next summer, I guess I'll just have to keep watching the first 3 movies. No problemo!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Play If You Dare!

I'm sure you've all heard about the insanely popular internet craze known as Slenderman. Whether you've seen him as a meme, played the game, or just heard about him, this guy is everywhere. I've done some research on Slenderman, and man, there's a lot about this guy. He's a mythical (so they say) man that stalks mainly children. He's a good 8-9 feet tall, wears a suit, and his face is a white expressionless façade. He has super long arms and tentacles that can come out of his back whenever he pleases.
There are soooo many Slenderman games. I've watched quite a few walkthroughs of different Slenderman games, and finally decided to try one out for myself. I downloaded it yesterday, and when it got dark outside, my 12 year old sister Bernadette and I turned out the lights and played it. It's a pretty creepy game! The official name of it is Slender: The Eight Pages. They did a good job of creating an atmosphere that makes you nervous and tense. The goal of the game is to find 8 pages scattered throughout the forest. You have no weapons, just a flashlight to light the way. The more pages you find, the more likely Slenderman is bound to pop up.
The first round we played, we found 2 pages. I stopped moving for a moment to wipe off the screen, and I guess I took too long because BOOM! He popped up at us. I decided to give it another go. I had only managed to find one page when he popped up again, this time scaring the heck out of both Bernadette and I. Yeah.. We quit the game after that. But we are determined to finish it someday! It's a pretty fun game if you like to get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping. I'll leave the download link in the bottom of this post in case you'd like to try this game for yourself. :)
Once again, thank you for reading and keep checking back for more posts about my crazy life!
(The game is free to download, and the link is safe!)