Monday, February 10, 2014

Oh, Hey!

Wow, I feel like I haven't posted in forever. I haven't even been immensely busy or anything either. I guess I just haven't made myself get around to posting!! Well, what's new with me? Hmmmm... I've started drawing again! I kind of gave it up for a while, not really sure why though. I honestly love to draw. It's a good way for me to feel better when I'm down. And let's see... Oh, I asked a guy to prom! And guess what he said? "I don't know". That made me feel great about myself! (Not) But he's a really shy guy, so I think I just caught him off guard. I hope I do get to go to prom though! Even if someone else is going to be there with another someone else...
Ok, I'm getting off track here haha. I've been working harder on writing new scripts for some YouTube videos. My Grandad said that he can give us some of his old suits, so that way we can better portray Slender Man when we make our new series. I'm super excited about making these Slender Man videos. I'm sure most of you are sick of him, but I'm hoping that maybe I can freshen him up a bit and make him exciting to people again. :)
That's about it I guess. We were blessed with another snow day today, and of course I took the opportunity to sleep in till 12. ;) Thanks for reading guys! I'm sure you know, I'd be lost without your support! :)
(and a lovely random picture to wrap up this post)

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