Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Bucket List

I thought that to change things up, I'd discuss my bucket list. Of course I'll include pictures. I think pictures make things more interesting. Let's get this started!! (By the way, this list isn't really in any certain order)

First off, it is my dream to go to film school. I feel that it will be the best way to help me get into the film business. I'm very interested in New York Film Academy, but I probably won't be able to afford to go there. I'm sure I'll find a good college though. :)

And that brings me to my next dream. BECOMING a movie director! I talked in one of my earlier videos about how I was inspired to become a filmmaker, and it's honestly what I love doing, even though I still have a lot to learn.
I'm sure you all know of my undying love for Linkin Park. Someday, I WILL see them in concert! Oh man, that would be amazing! I'm always checking to see if they're touring anywhere even remotely close to me, but I haven't had any luck yet. But I won't give up! And also, some good news about Linkin Park. They have a new album coming out this summer!! I can't wait!!!!! :D

This may seem cliché, but I really really REALLY want a Bumblebee Camaro. And yes, of course I'm going to name it Bumblebee and put Autobot decals on it! (Unless of course I can find a special edition Bumblebee that already has all the goods) The Transformers movies have made me fall in love with this car, and I know I would feel so BA driving this beautiful baby around!

Yes, this is Michael Bay. Yes, a lot of people don't like him. But I want to follow in his footsteps and direct the Transformers films. I love his films, but I want to make Transformers movies that all of the old-school fans will love as well. I think it'd be cool to bring back some of it's Generation 1 roots. :)

I told my Mom that when I'm rich and famous, I'm going to buy her a new house. A NICE house. She's always wanted a nice, big house, and I want to give it to her. She definitely deserves it!!

You probably know that I have a YouTube channel. I think it'd be awesome to become YouTube famous! I'm slowly but surely gaining more and more views and subscribers, and maybe someday these numbers will start growing by the minute. ;)

I can't even describe how bad I want to go to Comic Con!! It's like geek paradise, and I'm pretty geeky!! My sister Bernadette and I are determined to go one of these years when we're both a little older.

I would love to meet Steven Spielburg. He's so inspirational to me. In my opinion, he's one of the best directors ever. I am simply amazed by every movie of his that I watch. He truly has a talent, and I hope one day I can meet him. :)

Well, that's all the time I have for today. I hope you enjoyed this list. And I also hope that I can mark all of these things off my bucket list. Thanks for reading. :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Oh, Hey!

Wow, I feel like I haven't posted in forever. I haven't even been immensely busy or anything either. I guess I just haven't made myself get around to posting!! Well, what's new with me? Hmmmm... I've started drawing again! I kind of gave it up for a while, not really sure why though. I honestly love to draw. It's a good way for me to feel better when I'm down. And let's see... Oh, I asked a guy to prom! And guess what he said? "I don't know". That made me feel great about myself! (Not) But he's a really shy guy, so I think I just caught him off guard. I hope I do get to go to prom though! Even if someone else is going to be there with another someone else...
Ok, I'm getting off track here haha. I've been working harder on writing new scripts for some YouTube videos. My Grandad said that he can give us some of his old suits, so that way we can better portray Slender Man when we make our new series. I'm super excited about making these Slender Man videos. I'm sure most of you are sick of him, but I'm hoping that maybe I can freshen him up a bit and make him exciting to people again. :)
That's about it I guess. We were blessed with another snow day today, and of course I took the opportunity to sleep in till 12. ;) Thanks for reading guys! I'm sure you know, I'd be lost without your support! :)
(and a lovely random picture to wrap up this post)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Transformers 4 Teaser!! :DDD

Did you guys see this commercial during the Super Bowl??? I sure did!! This is the only reason I even watched the Super Bowl! Guys, you have no idea how excited I was to see this commercial. I got tears in my eyes and my heart didn't stop racing for the next couple of hours! This is how much I love Transformers. It's been 3 years since we've really seen Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and the others. It felt like a much needed reunion to see these guys again, plus some fresh, new faces. Like Grimlock! Just look at this picture!!!!!! He looks so BA! And so does Optimus. He got a whole new look, and I love it! Man, I can't wait for this movie. June 27th. Just a little over 4 months! June 27th is also my Mom's birthday, so hopefully she'll want to go see it too!! :) 
What were your thoughts on the commercial? Are you also super pumped, or dreading yet another Michael Bay film? Let me know! Hopefully these next 4 months go by fast! :)