Thursday, February 12, 2015

How Time Flies

Holy cow! I haven't posted since August! I feel like a terrible person! I've just been so busy lately. Being a senior in high school and preparing for college is not easy. But I do hope that I can keep up with the blog more from here on out.
The YouTube channel is going great! We've acquired many subscribers, and now we're almost to 300! I never ever thought we'd get this far. I'm so proud of my little sisters. Yeah, I write the scripts and edit the videos, but we wouldn't be successful without their awesome acting skills. I owe them so much. I hope someday I can show them how thankful I am for them.
To end this post, I'll share with you guys one of my senior pictures. :)

Sunday, August 3, 2014


Ahh, I must say that it's nice to be on vacation. And it's nice to finally have time to post on the blog! So, what's been happening with me? Well, I just finished working for the summer at my Uncle's restaurant. It was a great experience and I made some good money. And then I got my wisdom teeth taken out this past Tuesday. It hurt BAD. My mouth is still pretty swollen and I'm still in a lot of pain. Thank God for pain pills! We'll be heading back home tomorrow, and then the next day I'll already be busy with a babysitting job. Man, I'm so busy! I really want to make some videos with the girls, but that's yet to happen. Hopefully later this week we will have some time to finally make a spoof or something. 
So anyways, sorry that I haven't posted in quite a long time. I'm back now, and I will try harder to post more consistently! Bye guys :) 
I can't smile yet, but we are having fun! :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

iPhone Life

Guys, I think I'm getting an iPhone today! Which means I can finally post on the go! I'm so happy! And here's a few updates.
I moved out of my house and am currently living with my grandparents while I work at my Uncle's restaurant for the summer. I'm enjoying my new job, but I really miss being home.
We are doing quite well on YouTube. We're slowly but surely getting more subscribers and views, which is great! But with growing popularity comes mean people and mean comments. People are jerks sometimes! Haha but it's ok. It's the internet.
Well, I gotta go! Time to go get a new phone! :)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

You Bet I Did

 Guess who pre-ordered the new Transformers game? I DID! I'm so excited for this game!!!!! :D It looks awesomeeeee! I believe that it will be arriving on June 22nd, which feels like a long time away. I'll just have to play the first 2 games to keep myself occupied for the time being. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It's finally summer! And I'm finally done with my junior year of high school!! Thank the Lord! I couldn't take another day of school. I was so stressed and sick of everything. And now, I don't have to worry about school for 3 months! Yay!
So anyways, what's new with me? Not much, actually. I've just kinda been living life day by day. I'm really hoping that our YouTube channel will continue to grow more popular as time goes on. We've done really well and have grown a lot in just a few months, which makes me very happy. I feel more motivated to make videos when I know that people enjoy them. And hopefully we can get some guest stars in our videos sometime.
About a month ago, I posted something about us getting a green screen. It is awesome! We love it. It's sooooo darn cool. You can pretty much make any scene you can imagine with it.
I'm excited for a lot of things this summer. Besides Transformers 4 coming out in theaters, there's also a new Transformers game coming out, called Rise of the Dark Spark. I can't wait! I loved the first two games, and it looks like they're tying both the movie and video game franchise in together with this one. Hopefully I can pre-order it so I can get it sooner rather than later. And Linkin Park's new CD is coming out in June! You may know that Linkin Park is my absolute favorite band. Some people hate them now since their music is so different than how it used to be, but I think that's what makes me like them. They experiment with all different kinds of music.
Ok, I think I'm done talking now. I will try to post more this summer since I'll have loads more free time. So, thanks for reading guys! :)

Can't forget to pop in a funny Transformers picture. :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

Green Screen!!!

We recently got a green screen! It's so cool!! I'm still figuring it out, but it's awesome! Check out our newer videos on YouTube where we use the green screen!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Operator

Hey guys! Remember a few weeks ago when I talked about the official Slender Man movie? I've done some more research, and have found out that it is going to be called "The Operator." The Operator is what the people from Marble Hornets called Slendy. They're basically the same, but The Operator doesn't kidnap young children like Slender Man does.
Doug Jones plays this iconic character. Who is Doug Jones you ask? He's one of those actors that you see everywhere, but just don't know his name. Take this character for example.

Yeah, Doug Jones played the Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four. He's played a ton of other crazy characters, but most of the pictures are pretty creepy, and I don't want to scare anyone haha. This guy is crazy talented. At over 6 feet tall, I think he's the perfect person to play Slendy- I mean, The Operator. Man, I'm going to have to get used to that.
And finally, here's a picture of what he really looks like. He's so cool! I mean, just look at him! He's one of those actors that I would really love to meet and maybe even work with someday! I have a great respect for actors like him. He's always in a crazy costume or wearing a ton of makeup, yet he seems like one of the most sincere actors out there. I can't wait to see him in The Operator.

Pictures from Google