Friday, January 24, 2014

Some of My Favorite Movies!

So I decided that I'd share some of my all-time favorite movies. :)

Well taking the cake is the Transformers Trilogy. I love these movies so much. Go on and judge me. I know some people really don't like these movies, but I think they're great! The human characters I don't care for so much, but more the robots. I think they portrayed them pretty well (I'm upset that they changed Soundwave so much though) and I am always amazed by the CGI. These movies play a big role in making me want to be a movie director, and maybe even an animator.

A Nightmare on Elm Street. One of the best horror movies ever made in my opinion. I've known of this movie for a long time, but only got around to watching it about 2 years ago. The premise of this movie is so original; it really impressed me. Wes Craven was a genius in dreaming up this movie (pun intended). This movie made me want to try to make scary movies, along with the usual kind of videos I make.

Kung Fu Panda! I remember the first time I saw this way back in 2008. This movie made me laugh so much! I even remember that my sisters and I assigned each other as characters from the movie. (I was Shi Fu!! Heck yeah!) This movie is super funny, but it also has some good seriousness for the older audience as well. I never get tired of this awesome movie! Skidoosh!

Spider-Man!! This movie holds a really special place in my heart. I watched it when I was just a little girl with my Dad, and really really liked it. I wanted to shoot webs out of my hands just like Spider-Man could! (I still do actually)
Rise of the Guardians. At first glance, you might think "Oh, this is just a dumb kids movie". But no! This movie is awesome! It turns all of your childhood heroes into kickbutt bad-dream fighters! This movie is super funny, and very well made. I was so impressed with this movie. I watched it when I was babysitting some little kids this summer, and after that I rented it so I could watch it again! Take my word for it; this is actually a very good movie.
Ok, well that's all the time I have before the computer dies! I hope you enjoyed this list, and I'll probably do another one soon. There's soooo many movies that I like! Thanks for reading! =)

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