Thursday, August 1, 2013


 I love chocolate. My sisters love chocolate. My Mom loves chocolate. Chocolate makes the world go round in my opinion. If we didn't have chocolate, how could we ever make ourselves feel better when we're sad? Or what would we do when we have that craving for something sweet?
I'm sure you're wondering, why is Bridget going on about chocolate? Well you see, chocolate is one of my favorite things to eat (I know, I'm healthy), and I had a lot of chocolate today. So I guess chocolate is just on my mind! And to be honest, I really had no idea what else to talk about haha. I had some chocolate cheesecake today (made by yours truly), and I don't want to toot my own horn, but it was good! No, it was delicious! I had to stop myself from having a second piece. The best chocolate cheesecake I've ever had though is from the Cheesecake Factory. They make some mighty fine cheesecake!
And that is my spiel about chocolate. Thanks for reading! I'm planning on posting a video or two of me playing the piano tomorrow. Well, see ya later! :)

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